Monday, July 6, 2009

Sarah Palin made the decision we should all make in that situation

I have always said that if it came between my job and my family I would choose my family, you can always get another job. I work hard for my job and I am willing to go the extra mile but if comes to never being home for my kids so I can get that extra 2% raise or promised promotion, forget it. At least my kids will remember my birthday.
The media and the political hounds were not satisfied that Palin lost the campaign last year, they want to see her personally and professionally destroyed. None of us normal people can understand the immense pressure that they must feel being followed and bombarded with frivelous lawsuits. Unlike movie stars political servants don't ask for attention they are trying to lead. All leaders need to be challenged now and again to keep em straight but this was ridiculous. They were attacking her character because she was one of those non phony balony people. She is honest, intelligent and capable but she's not witty. You can't have it all. Obama is also under several lawsuits but he has a lot more wealth and resources to fight them including a upfront huge down payment on a book deal when he leaves office. No other president has gotten away with the kind of route the rules he has.
So, Sarah Palin under immense legal and social pressure decided to take care of her family. She still has a young child. It may have been the Letterman comment after all that sent her over the edge. I fear the the dogs of hate will continue their relentless attack on this nice woman who ran her state well and bowed to pressure and stepped aside.
I don't think anyone including her knows her political future. I don't think she will go away forever but maybe she will be a behind the fence force for change. I think she would be best suited as secretary of state.